Diamonds have the distinction of being the most popular gemstones of all time. Approximately $11 billion were spent on diamond engagement and wedding jewelry in 2012 alone and with the marriage rates expected to see an increase to about 2.2 million in 2015, many more persons are expected to be wearing a diamond engagement or wedding band. However, your diamond does not have to come from any of the 25 countries that produce the world's diamonds. It could come from some truly nontraditional sources.
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Everyone likes to have jewelry that is in pristine shape. But of course, nothing stays that way forever. In order to keep your jewelry looking as good as new, or better, here are a few tips and tricks.
Use an all-purpose disinfectant to shine your diamonds
Diamonds are hard. In fact, they are the hardest of all gemstones. They are so hard that lasers are tipped with them to make stronger cuts.
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Have you ever wondered what to do with that box full of vintage jewelry sitting on your dresser collecting dust? While the actual gem may still be beautiful, one reason you may no longer wear the piece is because the setting is outdated and gaudy. If that is the case, you could consider resetting the gem to give it a more modern style. But how do you go about resetting vintage jewelry?
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